
Thomas von Wachenfeldt - Mythos of the Forefathers (Vol. 1 & 2) CD-2

07.07.2023 Art. Nr.: NVP189CD Nordvis
  • Beschreibung


"Thomas von Wachenfeldt’s “Mythos of the Forefathers” – an ambient dark-folk work in two volumes – is a heartfelt homage to Fädernas gudasaga, a book by Swedish 19th-century scholar and author Viktor Rydberg.

“Mythos of the Forefathers” was created to complement the text in each of the book’s chapters. To capture its overall mood, Thomas combined conventional compositions which adhere to form and structure with unorthodox music that evokes an archaic atmosphere. Drawing from older Nordic folk scales, he utilised traditional instruments like lyre, flutes, drums, and string instruments, while also incorporating various synthesisers to instil a sense of metaphysical wonder."

Double CD with a 12 page booklet including custom drawings and liner notes.

* inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Die durchgestrichenen Preise entsprechen dem bisherigen Preis bei Silent Future Distribution.

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