  • Artikel 4 VON 7

Grift - Vilsna andars utmark Vinyl 7" | Black

11.04.2022 Art. Nr.: NVP146EP Nordvis
  • Beschreibung


With “Vilsna andars utmark” (‘Hinterland of lost spirits’) – a seven-inch consisting of two acoustic pieces – Swedish musician Erik Gärdefors further showcases his uncanny ability to capture the same sombre and nostalgic sentiments regardless of musical expression. Grift, his primary artistic outlet, is known for its seamless transitions between bleak, atmospheric metal and forest folk compositions. The project has grown prominent across multiple scenes – as evidenced by everything from prestigious splits with contemporary metal greats like Saiva and Drudkh to being billed alongside leading neofolk acts such as Sangre de Muerdago, Nebelung, and Wolcensmen.

* inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Die durchgestrichenen Preise entsprechen dem bisherigen Preis bei Silent Future Distribution.

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